Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Help me get space to host an PiFi SD card image!

UPDATE: Thanks to those who signed up using my referral link, I now have a little more space and the pressure is off (for now), I won't stop anyone else who reads this and still wants to sign up since you get a bonus 500MB too and I can always use more space.

I'm getting ready to release an SD card image of the PiFi Mini project but my dropbox space is very low so I'm going to make a shameless plug :)

If I could just get 1 person to create a dropbox account using my link I'll get 500MB which is enough to host 1 image. If I get more then I'll have room to host images for future Pi projects etc.

For those of you who don't know what dropbox is they explain it better than I can

Basically it's free online "cloud" storage that syncs with a folder on your computer, you get 2GB free to start. It's invaluable for sharing content that's too large to email and is really hand when collaborating with others.

So if you don't already have it then do me a solid and use my referral link and I'll get an extra 500MB, I'm not sure if they're still offering it but you might get an extra 500MB too!



  1. Has anyone signed up for you yet? If not I will use my wifes account. Also, any status on a version that's meant to stay in a cabinet. I tried to modify your directions for a fixed position but had trouble. Thanks!

    1. If you could that would really help, just remember though I only get the space if you sign up and install the desktop software too. I'm just on holidays right now so I won't be able to do much until after the 11th of August. Thanks for your interest.

    2. Could you elaborate a little more on what exactly you tried to modify? I've made some changes already that may fix what you're talking about but I'll need more info from you.


  2. I signed up for this...

    im really interested in your image... all of this is exactly what i wanted to do with my PI... but im gonna work on making it battery powered and also have blue-tooth connectivity

    1. Thanks I appreciate it. On vacation right now so I won't be doing much until after Aug 11th.
